On Sunday, September 10th, I begin a five-part series of sermons that will seek to answer The Big Questions of Life. I had an epiphany, regarding this series, as I was/am in the process of reading a most disturbing, disruptive and sobering book about the digital age in which we live; the digital age that is in the DNA of our children, or so it seems. The epiphany was that, “Wow! These questions would make for a great sermon series!” The title of the book is FAITH FOR EXILES – 5 Ways for a New Generation to Follow Jesus in Digital Babylon. The authors are from The George Barna research group.

As you may or may not know, The George Barna group is one of the foremost research groups measuring the “temperature” of Christianity in the United States. In the front pages of the book they share this quote from J. R. R.Tolkien: Certainly there was an Eden on this very unhappy earth. We all long for it, and we are constantly glimpsing it: our whole nature at its best and least corrupted, its gentlest and most humane, is still soaked with the sense of ‘exile.’ This is a profoundly insightful jumping off point for the book. Let me give you just a brief flavor of the issue this book deals with.

In reference to our Lord’s parable of the sower – you recall that parable, right? It is about the different kinds of soil the seed is planted – the authors write: As in that ancient story, today the soil of many hearts is rocky, dry, and dusty, or filled with thistles and weeds, stifling what really matters. The age-old questions of being human remain unasked, shriveling like neglected seedlings. Deep spiritual longings, are choked to death by binge television, immersive gaming, and social media scrolling. As we will say many times in the coming pages, technology and the lighted rectangles we gaze at all the time aren’t bad in and of themselves. But if we are not vigilant and intentional, digital Babylon glitzes and blitzes our days so completely that we never get around to pursuing the deeper things of life.

What are the deeper things? The deeper things are The Big Questions of Life that need to be asked and answered. Thus, the series that I will launch. What are those questions?

Questions of identity? Who am I, really? Where do I find my truest self?
Questions about how to live: How should I live in today’s world? Do my choices matter?
Questions about intimacy and relationships: Am I loved? Who are my friends? Does anyone care about me?
Questions of meaning and purpose: Does my life matter? Am I made for something?
Questions about legacy and significance: Can I make a difference? What really matters? What counts for a life well lived?

These are the deeper things. We will hear God’s answers to these questions that, far too often, don’t get asked. I could not encourage you more to commit yourself to these five weeks. If you cannot be with us, every week, in worship, dial us up at our website. My prayer is that this series will provide a spiritual break-through and transformation for you! Invite a friend to listen with you. Bring someone else with you who is searching and seeking the answers to the big questions. Hope to see you on the 10th!

Until next time,